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What is Tutorial: Get to know all about TUT

What is Tutorial TUT

Tutorial TUT is a cryptocurrency token that originated as an educational experiment on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Initially created by a developer to demonstrate the process of launching a token on the BNB Chain testnet, Tutorial TUT quickly gained traction within the crypto community. Its transition from a simple tutorial video to a fully-fledged meme coin on the mainnet highlights its unique journey. Tutorial TUT aims to promote blockchain education and development within the BSC ecosystem, making it a standout project in the crypto space.

Who Founded Tutorial

The Tutorial founders played a pivotal role in shaping the token’s identity. The project was initiated by a developer who sought to educate users on token creation through a tutorial video. While the developer’s identity remains anonymous, their vision of combining education with blockchain innovation has resonated with the community. The Tutorial founders successfully transformed a simple educational exercise into a token with real-world applications and community-driven momentum.


Tutorial TUT is more than just a cryptocurrency; it represents a movement toward accessible blockchain education. The token’s origins lie in a tutorial video that demonstrated the technical steps of launching a token on the BNB Chain. This educational foundation has evolved into a broader mission to attract users to blockchain technology through engaging and innovative content. Tutorial TUT’s unique blend of education and meme culture has made it a trending topic in the crypto world, with Tutorial trendin across social media platforms.

Tutorial Asset Name

The official asset name of the token is Tutorial TUT, often referred to simply as TUT. This name reflects its educational roots and its mission to simplify blockchain concepts for a wider audience. Tutorial TUT has become synonymous with innovation and accessibility, making it a popular choice for both new and experienced crypto enthusiasts.


TUT tokens are available for trading on several platforms, including centralized exchanges like Gate.io and decentralized exchanges such as PancakeSwap V3 (BSC). The most active trading pair for TUT is TUT/USDT, with significant trading volume recorded on Gate.io. Tutorial launch on the mainnet marked a turning point for the token, transitioning it from a testnet experiment to a widely recognized asset. Its liquidity was transferred to PancakeSwap after meeting bonding curve criteria, further solidifying its presence in the market.

Tutorial Contract Address

The official contract address for Tutorial TUT is . This address is essential for verifying the authenticity of the token and ensuring secure transactions. Users can explore the Tutorial price to stay updated on its market performance.

How to Buy Tutorial TUT

Purchasing Tutorial TUT is straightforward. Users can buy the token on centralized exchanges like Gate.io or decentralized platforms such as PancakeSwap V3. To trade TUT, users need a compatible wallet and sufficient funds in BNB or USDT. The Tutorial launch on these platforms has made it accessible to a global audience, further driving its popularity.

Economic Model and Tokenomics

Tutorial TUT operates on a unique economic model that combines education with blockchain innovation. Its tokenomics are designed to incentivize community participation and promote the development of the BSC ecosystem. By leveraging its meme coin status, Tutorial TUT attracts attention to blockchain technology while providing educational resources to users. This dual focus on education and commerce sets it apart from other tokens in the market.


Tutorial TUT is a remarkable example of how a simple educational initiative can evolve into a thriving cryptocurrency project. From its origins as a tutorial video to its current status as a meme coin, Tutorial TUT embodies the spirit of innovation and accessibility. With its focus on blockchain education and development, Tutorial TUT continues to gain traction, making it a valuable asset for the crypto community. Whether you’re exploring its contract address or trading on Gate.io, Tutorial TUT offers a unique blend of education and opportunity in the blockchain space.

This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice; AI was used to assist in content creation.

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