Fableborne Primordials

Fableborne Primordials

Created by Pixion Games, Fableborne is a web3-powered mobile game with a unique spin on async PvP combat through a combination of strategic deck building on defense, with fast paced, high intensity ARPG raiding on attack. Fableborne takes place in the Shatterlands, a magical realm of sky islands that take home to Kingdoms. Players embody a hero that aligns with their preferred style of attack. With this hero you’ll raid other players’ Kingdoms and attempt to destroy them. Other players will raid your Kingdom as well, so you must strategically choose which units will be defending your castle. The gameplay is async multiplayer PvP. Attack and defense are async, which means that while you are actively attacking a players base, they are not actively defending it. The PFP portrays the magical Esperkin, a mystical creature drawn from the Fableborne lore, ready to accompany you on an epic quest to save the Shatterlands. Every PFP comes adorned with unique traits, each possessing its own...
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2,87 %
32,54 %
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5 %
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Poți să faci achiziții directe pe Marketplace-ul OKX, care consolidează ordine NFT de pe platforme precum OpenSea, Blur, MagicEden și multe altele.
În ultimele 24 de ore, Fableborne Primordials a finalizat 3 tranzacții cu un volum total de 1,25. Prețul minim este 0,4499 ETH și a existat o modificare de -2,18 % a prețului minim în ultimele 24 de ore. Momentan, există 40 ordine de listare.
Fableborne Primordials are în total 1.392 NFT-uri, care deținute de 453 portofele diferite.
Prețul minim pentru această colecție este de 0,4499 ETH, iar prețul mediu pe 24 de ore este de 0,4199. Prin urmare, ar trebui să aveți minimum 0,4499 ETH în portofel pentru a finaliza achiziția.