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What is Moby AI: Get to know all about MOBY

What is Moby AI MOBY?

Moby AI MOBY is a cutting-edge cryptocurrency token designed to revolutionize the way users interact with the crypto ecosystem. Built on the Ethereum blockchain, Moby AI serves as an AI-powered assistant that helps users identify winning trades, analyze portfolios, and manage taxes. By combining artificial intelligence with exclusive data access, Moby AI MOBY aims to simplify complex crypto processes and empower users to make smarter financial decisions. The platform’s innovative approach has positioned it as a key player in the future of crypto asset management.

Who Founded Moby AI?

The Moby AI founders are a group of industry veterans and innovators with extensive experience in blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, and crypto trading. The founding team includes notable figures such as Joseph Young (ex-HASHED, DGV founder), SY Lee (Story Protocol founder), and Ben Wee (ex-VP at These individuals, along with other prominent backers like Ryan Kim (HASHED founder) and Tommy (Spartan senior investor), have contributed to the development and success of Moby AI. The Moby AI founders have also established partnerships with leading platforms like AssetDash and Holdstation to enhance the platform’s capabilities.

Moby AI: A Game-Changer in Crypto Management

Moby AI MOBY is more than just a token; it’s a comprehensive platform designed to be your AI copilot in the crypto world. The platform leverages proprietary algorithms and premium datasets to provide users with actionable insights. Whether you’re looking to optimize your portfolio, uncover promising trades, or streamline tax management, Moby AI has you covered. The platform’s integration with the L2 OKX test network and its partnership with Holdstation further solidify its position as a reliable and innovative solution for crypto enthusiasts.

Moby AI Asset Name

The official asset name of the token is Moby AI MOBY. This name reflects the platform’s core mission of combining artificial intelligence with blockchain technology to create a seamless user experience. The Moby AI MOBY token is central to the platform’s ecosystem, enabling staking, governance, and participation in exclusive ICOs. By holding and staking MOBY tokens, users can unlock additional benefits, such as eligibility for airdrops and revenue sharing from platform commissions.

MOBY Tokenomics and Governance

The MOBY token plays a crucial role in the Moby AI ecosystem. During its initial coin offering (ICO) on February 7, 2023, the platform raised 3,800 ETH in just 36 minutes, highlighting the strong demand for the token. The ICO started with a $30M fully diluted valuation (FDV) and ended at $60M FDV. An earlier Early Access sale on February 1, 2023, raised 1,200 ETH in 18 minutes at a $25M FDV.

The MOBY token is used for:

  • Staking: Stakers gain automatic eligibility for ICO participation and potential airdrops.
  • Governance: Token holders can influence platform decisions through a tiered governance system, ranging from Mobie to President levels.
  • Revenue Sharing: 50% of the platform’s 5% commission is distributed among MOBY stakers.

This economic model incentivizes long-term participation and aligns the interests of the community with the platform’s growth.

Moby AI Contract Address

The official contract address for Moby AI MOBY is Cy1GS2FqefgaMbi45UunrUzin1rfEmTUYnomddzBpump. This address is essential for users who wish to interact with the token on the Ethereum blockchain. Always ensure you are using the correct contract address to avoid scams or fraudulent transactions.

How to Get Started with Moby AI MOBY

To start using Moby AI MOBY, follow these steps:

  1. Purchase MOBY Tokens: You can buy MOBY tokens on platforms like OKX. For the latest Moby AI price, visit Moby AI price.
  2. Stake Your Tokens: Staking MOBY tokens allows you to participate in governance, earn rewards, and gain access to exclusive ICOs.
  3. Explore the Platform: Use Moby AI’s tools to analyze your portfolio, find winning trades, and manage your taxes efficiently.

Moby AI Trendin and Future Prospects

Moby AI trendin has been gaining traction in the crypto community due to its innovative approach and strong backing. The platform’s partnerships with industry leaders and its focus on user-centric solutions have made it a trending topic among crypto enthusiasts. As Moby AI continues to evolve, its potential to reshape the crypto landscape remains significant.


Moby AI MOBY is a revolutionary platform that combines artificial intelligence with blockchain technology to simplify crypto asset management. From its robust tokenomics to its innovative features, Moby AI is setting new standards in the industry. With strong support from the Moby AI founders and a growing community, the platform is well-positioned to become a leader in the crypto space. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or a newcomer, Moby AI MOBY offers tools and insights to help you navigate the complex world of cryptocurrency with confidence.

This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice; AI was used to assist in content creation.

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