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What is Elixir : Get to know all about ELX

What is Elixir ELX?

Elixir ELX is the native utility and governance token of the Elixir ecosystem, a groundbreaking modular network designed to power high-throughput liquidity use cases. The token plays a pivotal role in securing consensus, enabling economic stability, and granting holders the ability to shape the future of the network. But what is Elixir ELX, and why is it gaining traction in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space? This article delves into the details of ELX, its tokenomics, governance model, and the broader Elixir ecosystem.

Who Founded Elixir?

The Elixir ecosystem was developed by Elixir Labs Ltd., a team of innovators dedicated to revolutionizing institutional liquidity in DeFi. While specific details about the Elixir founders remain undisclosed, their vision has attracted partnerships with major financial institutions such as BlackRock, Hamilton Lane, and Apollo. These collaborations highlight the credibility and potential of the Elixir network, which is now secured by over 30,000 global validators.

Elixir: A New Liquidity Primitive

Elixir is a modular network purpose-built to address the next generation of institutional liquidity needs. It powers deUSD, a fully collateralized, yield-bearing synthetic dollar that serves as the gateway for Real World Assets (RWAs) to enter the crypto economy. By integrating natively with fund issuers, Elixir enables seamless on-chain composability for assets from leading institutions like BlackRock and Hamilton Lane.

Elixir’s infrastructure is already being utilized by over 30 decentralized trading venues to generate deeper liquidity for trading pairs. This high-throughput network has far-reaching potential for future use cases, making it a cornerstone of the evolving DeFi landscape.

Elixir Asset Name: ELX

The ELX token is the native ERC-20 token of the Elixir network. It is designed to drive governance, secure consensus, and incentivize economic participation within the ecosystem. With 41% of the total ELX supply allocated to the community, holders play a crucial role in guiding the network’s direction and growth.


The ELX tokenomics are structured to ensure long-term sustainability and community involvement:

  • Community Allocation: 41% of the total supply.

  • Season 1 Airdrop: 8%.

  • Future Airdrops/LP Incentives: 21%.

  • Public Network Security Rewards: 12%.

  • DAO Foundation: 22% (allocated for grants and ecosystem rewards).

  • Liquidity Providers: 3%.

  • Investors: 15%.

  • Core Contributors: 19%.

These allocations reflect Elixir’s commitment to decentralization and incentivizing active participation in the network.

ELX: Governance and Utility

The ELX token serves as the sole governance token within the Elixir ecosystem. Post-mainnet launch, ELX holders gain full governance rights, allowing them to propose and vote on initiatives that shape the network’s future. Additionally, governance participants have control over the direction of any fees generated by the network, ensuring that value captured aligns with community priorities.

ELX also functions as a cryptoeconomic security incentive, rewarding validators and delegators who contribute to the network’s stability. With the public mainnet now live, users can become validators and stake their ELX tokens to earn rewards.

Elixir Contract Address

The Elixir contract address is a critical component for interacting with the ELX token on the Ethereum blockchain. Users can utilize this address to trade, stake, or claim airdrops. For more information on the Elixir price, visit Elixir price.

Airdrop and Network Stabilization Bonus

Elixir’s initial airdrop allocation includes 80,000,000 ELX distributed to over 20,000 active validators. These tokens are automatically staked to an Elixir Foundation validator, with users having the option to undelegate and withdraw their ELX at any time. During the three-month stabilization phase, users who maintain their stake earn additional bonuses and future network airdrops.

Claimable ELX amounts are doubled at the end of the stabilization period, incentivizing users to contribute to the network’s early stability. This mechanism ensures a robust and secure foundation for the Elixir ecosystem.


Elixir ELX is more than just a token; it is the backbone of a revolutionary ecosystem designed to redefine institutional liquidity in DeFi. With its innovative tokenomics, governance model, and partnerships with leading financial institutions, ELX is poised to play a significant role in the future of decentralized finance. Whether you’re a validator, delegator, or community member, Elixir offers a unique opportunity to participate in shaping the next generation of liquidity solutions.

For more details on the Elixir price and market trends, visit Elixir price.

This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice; AI was used to assist in content creation.

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