The Ordinals World Tour is Headed Down Under
Come and join us as the Ordinals World Tour checks in to Sydney, Australia.
ICYMI, the Ordinals World Tour is a global meet-up series bringing together builders, artists and collectors from the Bitcoin ecosystem. Following inspirational events in Vietnam, Singapore and Nashville, with our partners at Ordinals Launchpad Ordzaar, we're now headed for Oz.
TLDR; We just want to throw a party for the Ordinals family, OKX style.
When: Saturday, 23rd November at 7:00pm
Where: Sydney. Register to see address
What: Good vibes, a low-key break from all the good things at Aus Crypto Con
Sign-up: https://lu.ma/yts3fjhf?tk=4Bg4C2
(spaces are limited, you'll need to register and be approved)

Why Ordinals?
Since the inception of the Ordinals Protocol, there have been over 70 million inscriptions, and it's no secret that OKX Wallet is fully committed to the motherchain. In the spirit of decentralization, in the past 12 months alone we've built out comprehensive, zero-fee experiences for:
Inscription Center (Atomicals, Fractal Bitcoin, BRC-20)
And this is just the beginning. Most recently we announced the Creators Collective, (read more below), and we have a BIG announcement for Ordinals creators right around the corner. We'll reveal more in Sydney.

The Creators Collective
The Creators Collective an invite-only community of forward-thinking believers in the onchain economy, dedicated to pushing the space forward. The maxis, the degens, the first to mint and buy. The BUIDLers. The first and the fearless.
At inception, The Collective will focus on supporting Bitcoin innovation inviting creators from Ordinals, BRC-20, and Runes, but will expand to other ecosystems to support more creators in different communities over time.
You can learn more about the program here: https://www.okx.com/learn/creators-collective
Our goal? Help creators grow their projects, engage their communities, and create meaningful impact in the Bitcoin ecosystem. We’re here to back those who believe in something —to back the ones who are in the trenches, rain or shine, regardless of the market or mood, always ready to greet the day with a "gm".
You can nominate a creator here: https://okx.typeform.com/nominatecreator
See you soon in the Sydney sunshine!
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