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OKX HK and Manchester City Supporters Club HK Host City's First 'Web3 Meets Football' Event, Celebrating the Club's Historic Season and OKX HK's 10,000 New Users Milestone

Hong Kong, July 24, 2023 - OKX, a leading Web3 technology company and the Official Sleeve Partner of Manchester City Football Club, hosted a fans event in Hong Kong with the Official Manchester City Supporters Club, Hong Kong Branch, on July 22 in celebration of Manchester City's history-making 2022/23 season and treble win, as well as OKX Hong Kong's milestone of recording over 10,000 new local user registrations within a month of launching its enhanced app.

The event attracted more than 200 fans, and was one of the first events in Hong Kong bringing together football and Web3 in an interactive way. Attendees had the rare opportunity to admire an exhibition of Manchester City-themed collectibles and participate in interactive games with local football legends Siu Ki Chan and Wai Ho Chan.

From left, Former Hong Kong Football Team Captain Wai Ho Chan, OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai, and Hong Kong Football Team's Top Scorer Siu Ki Chan
From left, Former Hong Kong Football Team Captain Wai Ho Chan, OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai, and Hong Kong Football Team's Top Scorer Siu Ki Chan

From left, Former Hong Kong Football Team Captain Wai Ho Chan, OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai, and Hong Kong Football Team's Top Scorer Siu Ki Chan

Over 200 participants attended the event at California Tower, Hong Kong
Over 200 participants attended the event at California Tower, Hong Kong

Former Hong Kong Football Team Captain Wai Ho Chan said: "As a virtual asset investor myself, I'm very glad to see that OKX is making the best use of Web3 and innovative technologies to engage with people in Hong Kong and to enable more people to participate in football, which I believe will help promote the development of the local football scene as well."

Hong Kong Football Team's Top Scorer Siu Ki Chan said: "I'm honoured to take part in this event, which is one of the city's first Web3 and football crossovers. Combining these two seemingly disparate themes together is a special experience and allows us to interact more closely with football supporters. I look forward to seeing more events like this in Hong Kong!"

Manchester City-themed collectibles shared by Aries Au, Chairman of the Manchester City Official Supporters Club in Hong Kong
Manchester City-themed collectibles shared by Aries Au, Chairman of the Manchester City Official Supporters Club in Hong Kong
OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai talking about the partnership with Manchester City
OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai talking about the partnership with Manchester City

OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai said: "OKX and Manchester City are partners because we believe in the power of Web3 technology to bring fans closer to their favorite players and teams, and experience the sport in new ways. This event is a celebration of significant milestone for both partners - Manchester City's treble win, and OKX Hong Kong's 10,000 new user registrations. As OKX Hong Kong continues to grow, we are looking forward to bringing more unique experiences for Manchester City fans and crypto enthusiasts in Hong Kong."

OKX's partnership with Manchester City began in March 2022. Building on the success as the Club’s Official Training Kit Partner for the 2022/23 season, Manchester City and OKX announced the expansion of their partnership on June 30 this year, naming OKX as the Club's Official Sleeve Partner.

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