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OKX Named First Official Global Sponsor of Majesticks GC Golf Team

Hong Kong SAR, 21 June 2023 - OKX, the second largest crypto exchange by trading volume and a leading Web3 technology company, today announced it is the first official global sponsor of Majesticks GC, one of the 12 teams competing in the new LIV Golf League.

The sponsorship also makes OKX the first Web3 sponsor of a LIV Golf team and will see team members Ian Poulter, Lee Westwood, Henrik Stenson, Sam Horsfield and Laurie Canter (temporary injury replacement for Sam Horsfield) sport the OKX logo on the team kits. Through the partnership, the team and OKX will work together to offer innovative Web3 engagement opportunities and fan experiences to a global audience at the League's tournaments in US, Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

Majesticks team

OKX, Majesticks GC and LIV Golf share a common drive to disrupt sectors using fresh thinking and new technology. OKX is pioneering technologically advanced, accessible tools for new audiences to engage with Web3, while LIV Golf is revolutionizing tournament golf by introducing team competition, faster playing formats and creating an inclusive festival environment appealing to fans of all backgrounds and age groups.

OKX Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique said: “Golf captivates people around the world, however, its reach can be magnified if we dare to think big about fan engagement, inclusivity and truly unique partnership activations that use Web3 to amaze and inspire. This is what we're shooting for with Majesticks GC, a top-tier team in the LIV Golf League that exemplifies our values and ambitions. We look forward to working with Majesticks on some very exciting things in the near future which will showcase our strengths.”

Majesticks Team Co-captain Ian Poulter said: "Having been an OKX Ambassador, I know that the company brings passion, technological expertise and creative thinking to everything it does. That's why I'm so excited to welcome OKX as the first official global sponsor for Majesticks GC. We both have ambitions not only to win, but to challenge the status quo. The partnership will result in some amazing experiences for fans to go behind-the-scenes with us as we pursue our mission to make a difference both on and off the course."

Team Principal for Majesticks GC James Dunkley said: “We are delighted to announce this groundbreaking partnership with OKX, which is the most innovative brand in Web3. We have worked with OKX previously through its sponsorship of Ian Poulter, and we’re excited to leverage its creativity and Web3 technology experience to create some great fan-focused activations.”

OKX is a trusted name in worldwide sports, demonstrated by its long-term partnerships with McLaren F1 Team and English Premier League champions Manchester City Football Club. Its partnership with Majesticks GC represents a further expansion into the sports arena with elite teams.

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