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Find us on Manchester City FC’s training kits

We’re excited to share some big news: OKX is extending our relationship with Premier League Champions Manchester City FC to become the first crypto platform to train side-by-side with the team via our training kit partnership. Not only that, but we’re the sole partner for the official training kit for the 2022-2023 season.

The training kit will be worn by Manchester City FC’s men’s and women’s first-teams — and it will be debuted in July by Erling Haaland, Jack Grealish, Joao Cancelo and John Stones. 

Why we chose the training kit

We’re proud of this partnership because we see a strong parallel between the training to learn, grow and succeed on the football pitch and the skills that OKX traders are able to develop, implement and hone when they’re equipped with the platform’s robust functionalities. Building up knowledge with practice is what brings results, whether that’s on the pitch or in the markets. 

What else could embody the highest levels of preparation, perseverance and mental discipline better than Manchester City’s training camp? Now more than ever, in these choppy bear market conditions, it’s important to be as prepared as possible in order to trade and invest successfully and responsibly — whether users get that training by practicing risk-free trading with our demo dashboard, or reading up on indicators and technical analysis on our Learn platform, traders on OKX have a wealth of tools available to help them up their game.

Man City x OKX — a partnership of champions

OKX has been inspired by Manchester City’s pitch and business performance and sees it as a true example of elite excellence in line with our own ambitions in the crypto industry.

Most importantly, Manchester City FC shares OKX’s values and modern approach to business, to technological innovation and to being at the cutting edge — producing championship results in both of our respective businesses.

Now for some more fun stuff — if you’d like to win season tickets in the OKX Hospitality Box, keep an eye out for murals of Grealish, Cancelo and Stones from street artist Akse P19 at four high-football locations in Manchester. Scan the QR code if you see one or find out more here!

We’ll continue to keep you posted on all the latest details regarding OKX’s partnership with Manchester City FC. Until then, remember to train strong and trade responsibly. 

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