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Our CMO Haider Rafique and BBDO Worldwide CEO Andrew Robertson Explore the Future of Marketing at Tribeca X Panel, Led by Olympic Snowboarder and Entrepreneur Scotty James

Our Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique and BBDO Worldwide CEO Andrew Robertson today delved into the role of Web3 and AI in shaping the future of marketing at a Tribeca X panel, led by our Ambassador and Olympic snowboarder Scotty James. The panel discussion took place today at Convene One Liberty Plaza.

OKX CMO Haider Rafique, BBDO Worldwide CEO Andrew Robertson and Olympic Snowboarder and Entrepreneur Scotty James explore the Future of Marketing at Tribeca X Panel

The panel, titled "The Future of Marketing Through the Lens of AI and Tokenomics," emphasized the impact of emerging technologies on current marketing trends. During the panel, Mr. Rafique and Mr. Robertson provided a deep dive into how advancements in technology, specifically AI and tokenomics paired with Web3, will greatly impact the future of the marketing space.

Tribeca X is a part of the Tribeca Festival, convening visionaries across various fields such as film, entertainment, brands, marketing, art, tech and media for live conversations, workshops, screenings and networking in New York City, and honoring the best brand stories of the year at the Tribeca X Awards.

Aside from the Tribeca X panel, we're also the Tribeca Festival's Presenting Partner for the third consecutive year. The partnership includes acquiring naming rights to the BMCC Theatre, now the "OKX Theatre at BMCC TPAC" throughout the festival (June 5 to June 16). We also sponsored the gala screening of FIREBRAND at the 'OKX Theatre at BMCC TPAC' on June 11.

We first partnered with the Tribeca Festival in 2022, making it the festival's first-ever Web3 partner and sponsor. In 2023, we deepened our partnership with the Tribeca Festival, introducing the inaugural Tribeca Festival NFT pass. Our ongoing partnership with the Tribeca Festival underscores our global impact and diverse partnerships across the fields of sport, art, film and gaming, as well as our expanding Web3 ecosystem.

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