São Paulo, May 16, 2024 -- Today, we at OKX, a leading crypto exchange and Web3 technology company, are thrilled to announce that we have partnered with Paul's Boutique Pizza to celebrate Bitcoin Pizza Day. This day commemorates the historic transaction where 10,000 bitcoins were used to purchase two pizzas in 2010. Our partnership aims to celebrate the significance of this event and promote the adoption of cryptocurrencies in everyday transactions.
Bitcoin Pizza Day, observed annually on May 22nd, symbolizes the first real-world transaction using Bitcoin as a form of payment. It highlights the journey of cryptocurrencies from being a niche concept to a mainstream financial asset. In honor of this momentous event, we at OKX Brazil and Paul's Boutique have come together to offer exclusive benefits to our users.
From May 16th to May 22nd, OKX Brazil users who purchase a minimum of R$100 worth of Bitcoin will receive a 22.5% discount on their next order at any of the two Paul's Boutique Pizza stores in São Paulo.
We are excited to partner with Paul's Boutique to celebrate Bitcoin Pizza Day and encourage the adoption of cryptocurrencies in Brazil. This partnership not only commemorates the historic Bitcoin transaction but also underscores the practical applications of digital assets in everyday transactions.
To participate in this exclusive offer, you, OKX Brazil users, simply need to make a qualifying purchase of Bitcoin during the promotional period and visit one of the two Paul's Boutique Pizza stores in São Paulo until May 30.
For more information on how to participate, please visit https://www.okx.com/pt-br/campaigns/bitcoin-pizza-days-pauls.
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