Osiris is one of the most important gods in ancient Egyptian mythology, associated with the afterlife, resurrection, and fertility. He is the son of the sky goddess Nut and the earth god Geb, and the brother and husband of Isis. Osiris is often depicted as a mummified king, symbolizing both death and rebirth. According to myth, Osiris was originally a benevolent ruler of Egypt until he was killed by his brother Set, the god of chaos. Set trapped Osiris in a coffin and cast it into the Nile, where it was carried away. Isis, his wife, searched for and found his body, and with the help of magic, she resurrected him long enough to conceive their son, Horus. Osiris' death and resurrection symbolize the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth, and he became the ruler of the afterlife, judging the souls of the dead.

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