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What is Doodles: Get to know all about DOOD

What is Doodles DOOD?

Doodles DOOD is the cryptocurrency token associated with the Doodles ecosystem, a next-generation entertainment company focused on immersive storytelling and digital experiences. The DOOD token is designed to empower the Doodles community, enabling them to engage with the ecosystem in innovative ways. With a total supply of 10 billion tokens, DOOD is set to launch on the Solana blockchain, with plans for a future bridge to Base. This token represents a significant step in the evolution of Doodles as a global entertainment brand.

Who Founded Doodles?

The Doodles project was co-founded by Burnt Toast, a Canadian artist who transitioned from working in a design studio to becoming a world-renowned digital artist. Burnt Toast’s creative vision has been instrumental in shaping the Doodles brand. Additionally, Doodles collaborates with Golden Wolf, an Emmy-nominated creative agency specializing in short-term content and strategies. Together, these Doodles founders have built a platform that combines art, storytelling, and technology to create immersive experiences.


Doodles is an on-chain collective that creates worlds through animations, short films, and partnerships with major brands. The company claims to have generated billions of views, amassed 1.6 million followers, and distributed over 100 million physical items. Doodles has also released music with world-renowned artists, achieving 86 million song streams. Over the past three years, Doodles has evolved into a global entertainment brand, presenting a full-fledged film at the Toronto International Film Festival and expanding its reach through digital and live experiences.

Doodles Asset Name

The official asset name for the Doodles token is DOOD. This token is central to the Doodles ecosystem, providing a new way for the community to interact and play within the platform. With 68% of the token supply allocated to the community, 25% to the ecosystem fund, and 17% to the team, DOOD is designed to support the growth and sustainability of the Doodles brand.


DOOD is not yet available on exchanges, and its smart contract has not been officially launched. As of now, the token exists as an announcement, and users are advised to exercise caution to avoid fake tokens. To verify the authenticity of DOOD, users can refer to its unique UCID on CoinMarketCap, which is 35747. For more information on the token’s price and updates, visit Doodles price.

Doodles Contract Address

The official contract address for the DOOD token is EMzye4mCdfuGLoSC2vkQzcrKaGwMSdaECFQcUpmrpump. This address is crucial for distinguishing the legitimate DOOD token from potential fake tokens that may appear on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Users should always verify the contract address before engaging in any transactions involving DOOD.


Doodles DOOD represents an exciting development in the cryptocurrency and entertainment industries. With its focus on immersive storytelling, digital experiences, and community engagement, Doodles is poised to redefine how brands interact with their audiences. The DOOD token, backed by the creative vision of Doodles founders and the innovative strategies of Golden Wolf, offers a unique opportunity for users to participate in the Doodles ecosystem. As the token prepares for its launch, users should stay informed and verify all details, including the Doodles contract address, to ensure safe and authentic transactions.

This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice; AI was used to assist in content creation.

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