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WalletConnect Launch: What's Driving the Hype Behind WCT

Exploring WalletConnect Token (WCT): WalletConnect Launch and Hype in Web3 Innovation

The WalletConnect Token (WCT) has emerged as a pivotal player in the decentralized web3 ecosystem. Introduced in 2024, WCT is the native utility token of the WalletConnect Network, a platform that has revolutionized connections between wallets and decentralized applications (dApps). This article delves into the WalletConnect hype surrounding WCT, its launch, and the factors driving its popularity.

When Was WalletConnect Coin Launched?

The WalletConnect Token (WCT) was officially launched in 2024 as part of the WalletConnect Network’s roadmap toward decentralization. The network itself was established in 2018, and over the years, it has facilitated over 150 million connections for more than 23 million users. The WalletConnect launch marked a significant milestone, introducing a token designed to empower the community and drive user experience (UX) innovation across the web3 landscape.

WCT’s introduction aligns with the network’s mission to create a decentralized, permissionless infrastructure. By enabling governance, staking, and rewards, the token plays a central role in shaping the future of onchain UX innovation. For more details on the token’s current market performance, visit WalletConnect price.

Who Are the Founders of WalletConnect?

The WalletConnect Network was founded by Pedro Gomes, a visionary in the blockchain space. His leadership has been instrumental in establishing WalletConnect as a key infrastructure within the decentralized web. The official announcement regarding the WalletConnect launch and the introduction of WCT was shared on X (formerly Twitter), highlighting the network’s commitment to decentralization and community-driven governance.

Embed X Announcement:"Excited to announce the launch of WalletConnect Token (WCT), a major step toward decentralizing the WalletConnect Network. Together, we’re building the future of web3 connections. #WalletConnectLaunch #BlockchainInnovation"

Under Gomes’ guidance, WalletConnect has grown into a platform that connects wallets, apps, and users, driving blockchain innovation and expanding the ecosystem.

Why Is WalletConnect Trending?

The WalletConnect hype surrounding WCT can be attributed to several factors:

  1. Decentralization and Governance: WCT empowers its holders to participate in the network’s governance, enabling them to propose and vote on initiatives such as fee structures and technical upgrades. This community-driven approach has garnered significant attention.

  2. Staking and Rewards: The token incentivizes active participation through staking and rewards. Node operators, wallets, and applications receive WCT tokens for their contributions, ensuring the network’s security and functionality.

  3. Airdrops and Community Engagement: The WalletConnect Foundation’s Season 1 airdrop distributed 50 million WCT tokens to power users and strategic partners, fostering broader involvement in the network’s development.

  4. Blockchain Innovation: WalletConnect’s infrastructure has been a cornerstone of web3, facilitating seamless connections between wallets and dApps. Its focus on UX innovation positions it as a leader among trending tokens 2025.

  5. Market Interest: The WalletConnect launch attracted significant attention, with token sales raising $10 million across platforms like Bitget LaunchX and CoinList. The Bitget LaunchX community round alone raised $4 million within two hours, reflecting strong investor interest.

These factors collectively contribute to the WalletConnect hype, making WCT one of the most talked-about tokens in the blockchain innovation space.

Tokenomics and Economic Model

WCT serves multiple functions within the WalletConnect Network:

  • Fees: While the network initially operates without fees, WCT holders can propose and vote on fee structures for services like relay usage.

  • Rewards: Contributors receive WCT tokens for their roles in supporting the network.

  • Staking: Participants can stake WCT tokens to secure the network and earn additional rewards. Staking also grants voting rights in governance processes.

  • Governance: WCT holders shape the network’s future through decentralized governance.

The token’s distribution strategy includes airdrops and sales, ensuring active community engagement and sustainable growth. By aligning incentives, WCT drives UX improvements and positions WalletConnect as a leader in blockchain innovation.


The WalletConnect Token (WCT) is central to the WalletConnect Network’s mission of creating a decentralized, user-centric web3 ecosystem. Its multifaceted utility—encompassing fees, rewards, staking, and governance—empowers the community to actively participate in shaping the future of onchain user experiences. As the WalletConnect hype continues to grow, WCT remains a key player among trending tokens 2025, driving blockchain innovation and expanding the web3 landscape.

For more information on WCT’s market performance, visit WalletConnect price.

This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice; AI was used to assist in content creation.

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