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We're Celebrating "A New Alternative for the UAE" with 'Trade Like a Pro' Brand Campaign Featuring Local Influencers

  • This campaign, presented in both Arabic and English, celebrates "A New Alternative for the UAE," marking our recent milestone of becoming operationally live and licensed in the region

Today, we're happy to announce the launch of our 'Trade Like a Pro' brand campaign. The campaign celebrates "A New Alternative for the UAE," marking our recent recent milestone of becoming operationally live and licensed in the region as of October 10, 2024.

Tailored specifically for UAE audiences and presented in both Arabic and English, the campaign provides a unique opportunity for local traders to learn strategies from professional traders in their market and understand why they chose us as their preferred trading platform. We're the first global crypto company in the UAE to offer AED banking rails for our retail and institutional customers and this campaign further underscores our commitment to the UAE and dedication to fostering the growth of the crypto and Web3 ecosystem in the region.

Trade Like a Pro UAE

The campaign showcases how local professional traders, including Dr. Assad Rizq, who is featured in the video series, streamline their trading experience using our platform. In his videos, Dr. Assad Rizq - a neurologist who discovered Bitcoin in 2013 and applies a scientific approach to trading - highlights our exchange's intuitive features. These features simplify spot trading, enabling traders in the UAE to act quickly and effectively across the platform's more than 280 cryptocurrencies and 480 trading pairs.

To celebrate the launch of this campaign in the UAE, we're offering eligible customers the chance to receive up to 100 USDT by reaching set trading volumes across spot and futures. Additionally, customers can earn 10 USDT by depositing 50 USDT into their accounts, plus an extra 50 USDT for sharing the campaign on their social media platforms. For more details about the 'Trade Like a Pro with OKX' campaign, running from October 29 to November 30, click here.

'Trade Like a Pro' showcases real users and their genuine stories via long-form and short-form video content. The series aims to inspire traders from different countries and backgrounds by highlighting how they use our platform to empower their trading strategies and experiences. This campaign marks the latest installment in our ongoing storytelling series featuring traders from around the world, which debuted last year.

To learn more, visit: https://www.okx.com/landingpage/uae-trade-like-a-pro

*Note: Users from certain countries or regions may not be eligible to participate. OKX reserves the right to terminate or modify the campaign's terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. Revised terms will apply to all participants. For the campaign's Terms and Conditions, click here.

This content is not an offer or solicitation to buy, sell or hold virtual assets. Virtual assets are subject to extreme market volatility, involve a high degree of risk and can lose value, in part or in full. Investing in virtual assets may lead to you losing your entire investment. They are not insured and lack legal protections. Avoid decisions driven solely by urgency. This content is not intended for U.S. residents or residents of jurisdictions where the promotion or use of virtual asset services would be restricted or unlawful. Access to products is subject to regional regulatory requirements and restrictions. OKX Middle East Fintech FZE is licensed by the Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority to provide VA Exchange Services, VA Management and Investment Services, and VA Lending and Borrowing Services. OKX Middle East Fintech FZE operates under VASP Reference: VL/23/12/003.

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