
Joining Forces with Foxbit to Support Flood Victims in Southern Brazil

São Paulo, May 8, 2024 -- Today, we at OKX, a leading crypto exchange and Web3 technology company, are proud to announce our partnership with Brazilian cryptocurrency exchange, Foxbit, to provide critical aid to the victims of the devastating floods in Southern Brazil. The region has experienced the worst flooding in over 80 years due to unprecedented rainfall, affecting an estimated 350,000 people in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

As part of our joint philanthropic effort, we at OKX Brazil will match all donations received through Foxbit's "Ajude o Rio Grande do Sul" emergency campaign, up to a total of US$10,000. Our initiative aims to double the impact of contributions, with all funds directed to local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) leading the relief and reconstruction efforts in the affected areas.

I want to emphasize that we stand in solidarity with the people of Southern Brazil during this difficult time. By joining forces with Foxbit, we hope to provide urgent support to those who need it most and help communities rebuild in the aftermath of this tragedy.

Ricardo Dantas, CEO of Foxbit, shares our sentiment, stating, "The collaboration with OKX Brazil is a testament to the crypto community's ability to come together and make a positive impact in times of crisis. We are grateful for their support and the generosity of all those who contribute to the 'Ajude o Rio Grande do Sul' campaign."

We urge you to participate in this crucial initiative by visiting the Foxbit website and donating directly to the "Ajude o Rio Grande do Sul" campaign. Every contribution, no matter the size, will play a significant role in assisting those affected by the floods.

At OKX Brazil, we remain committed to supporting the local community and extending a helping hand to the people of Southern Brazil as they work to rebuild their lives in the wake of this devastating disaster.To learn more about OKX and our efforts, visit our website at okx.com/pt-br.

Together, we can make a difference and help our fellow Brazilians in their time of need.

Guilherme Sacamone

General Manager, OKX Brazil

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