
Order Sharing: WAGMI with shareable trade orders

Sharing limit orders tends to signal trader confidence and conviction — which forms part of the testament to intentional trade planning. It’s a way to document your strategy and share it with others, allowing them to witness your trades unfold in real-time.

For those looking to help shape their personal brand as a crypto trader and build a vibrant trading community, Order Sharing could be the ideal feature. By inviting others into your trading process, you can expand your network and spark meaningful discussions within your community — all with a single click. Check out our Order Sharing Guide for a complete walkthrough of this exciting new feature.

What is Order Sharing?

Order sharing is a new feature on OKX that lets you effortlessly share your crypto trades. In a few clicks, all kinds of trading orders can be shared. Within each shared order, you'll also find setup details like order types, instruments being traded, and pending, unfilled orders, like take profit and stop loss targets.

Order Sharing is available to all users, but you’ll need to first toggle the "Allow Order Sharing" option in your trading settings.

Why use it?

  • Community-driven discussions: Encourage feedback on market setups, chart patterns, and risk management.

  • Learning environment: Invite your audience to learn from you while also gaining fresh insights from their perspectives.

  • Visibility and trust: Show a consistent, transparent approach, strengthening your reputation and building trust.

Who is Order Sharing for?

Order Sharing helps benefit two types of traders.

  1. Manual traders can gain quicker feedback and streamlined documentation without having to manually retype trade details.

  2. Lead traders enjoy an easy, high-visibility way to share strategies with a growing audience, potentially attracting new followers without follower limit constraints.

Best practices for effective Order Sharing

  • Provide context: Briefly explain why you chose the asset or entry price.

  • Avoid absolutes: Highlight that crypto trading carries risk.

  • Engage responsibly: Answer questions when you can, fostering a two-way learning environment.

Benefits of Order Sharing

By offering a convenient way to showcase your trades, Order Sharing can spark meaningful discussions, enhance your trading credibility, and grow your community.

Try Order Sharing today. Here's how to turn it on.

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