Our platform is the first to enable zero-fee Runes trading on mobile
Users can now trade popular Runes tokens like UNCOMMON.GOODS, PUPS and WZRD on our Marketplace
We're proud to announce that we've added support for Runes, a new fungible token standard by Casey Rodarmor, a former Bitcoin developer and artist, following today's Bitcoin halving. With this addition, our users can now create, mint, manage and trade Runes on our Marketplace.
In the wake of the Bitcoin halving, we are the first platform to offer zero-fee Runes trading on mobile. As part of this launch, the initial Runes tokens available to trade on our OKX Marketplace include UNCOMMON.GOODS, PUPS and WZRD.
Runes stands out in an era characterized by the proliferation of digital tokens due to its unique UTXO-based structure. This inscription standard has been integrated into the Bitcoin network, simplifying the creation and management of tokens. It offers a streamlined alternative to traditional models, reducing blockchain bloat and significantly improving scalability.
Before implementing Runes support, our Web3 team at OKX hosted an X Spaces session alongside Pups, NODES and WorldPeaceBitcoin for a Q&A called 'Pre-Halving Power Hour.' The X Spaces session focused on Runes as the "next biggest thing on Bitcoin," highlighting our commitment at OKX to shaping the future of the Runes ecosystem alongside key projects.
In celebration of this new addition, we also recently enhanced the prizes for our Bitcoin halving-themed 'OKX Web3 Bitcoin Drop' campaign. This campaign, focused on increasing engagement on the Bitcoin network, now includes 1 Runestone in addition to the original 1 BTC prize. For further details on the campaign, click here.
Our successful introduction of Runes support aligns with our broader vision at OKX of driving innovation and pushing the boundaries of what's possible within the Bitcoin ecosystem. We recently expanded our offerings with the addition of Atomicals (ARC-20) and Stamps (SRC-20) support.
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