
OKX Leads Automated Trading Space with Launch of Signal Trading Platform, Empowering Traders with High-Quality Signals and Seamless Execution

Dubai, the UAE, November 7, 2023 -- OKX, a leading global Web3 technology company and crypto exchange, today announced the launch of Signal Trading, a trading bot and marketplace that bridges the gap between signal providers and traders, offering automated strategies based on technical analysis, or 'signals,' which can indicate whether to buy or sell crypto.

One of Signal Trading's key features is webhook capabilities via TradingView, a leading charting platform. This allows signal providers and traders to create signals directly on the TradingView platform based on built-in indicators or custom-built Pine Script™ strategies. With Signal Trading, users can access, follow and copy signals without the need for manual execution, saving both time and effort.

OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai said: "With the launch of Signal Trading, OKX further establishes itself as the go-to exchange for innovative, automated trading solutions. As we strive to revolutionize the way traders interact with the crypto market, OKX will further enhance its ecosystem of automated trading tools."

OKX's Signal Trading offers numerous benefits to both signal providers and signal traders. For signal providers, listing signals on Signal Trading grants them access to over 50 million traders. Its integration with TradingView further enhances signal providers' capabilities, enabling them to generate signals on the leading platform. In addition, signal providers can benefit from a significant reduction in latency and costs typically associated with listing signals on third-party platforms.

Signal traders can also enjoy significant advantages, including avoiding subscription fees and latency-related issues that are more commonly associated with third-party platforms. OKX's Signal Trading also offers a wide range of signal providers, including institutions and pro traders, to choose from and compare; in addition, signal traders can have confidence in the trust and reliability of OKX, one of the world's leading crypto exchanges.

In addition to Signal Trading, OKX offers a range of other automated trading tools. This includes Trading Bots, which are pre-built bots designed to help users automate their trades and earn profits 24/7. OKX also offers Copy Trading, a feature that allows users to easily replicate the trades of a selected trader with just a few clicks.

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