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OKX Wallet Launches Account Abstraction-Powered 'Smart Account' Feature, Enabling USDT and USDC Gas Fee Payments on Multiple Chains

- Additional account abstraction capabilities, including a social recovery feature, will be rolled out at a later date

Singapore, August 1, 2023 -- OKX, a leading Web3 technology company, today announced the launch of a new account abstraction-powered Smart Account feature on its OKX Wallet, enabling users to pay for transactions on multiple blockchains using USDC or USDT.

OKX Wallet will soon launch additional account-abstraction powered features, including social recovery functionality. This will enable users to select trusted "guardians" from their social network to help them recover their Smart Account if they lose their keys.

OKX Wallet is one of the first wallets in Web3 with multi-chain account abstraction support. With Smart Account, users can now interact with multiple contracts in a single transaction. This enhances composability for advanced users and adds convenient features for beginners, creating a more user-friendly and intuitive wallet experience.

OKX Chief Innovation Officer Jason Lau said: "Our aim is to provide our users with the most accessible, secure, and powerful Web3 gateway. The Smart Account feature will play a significant role in achieving this goal. Account abstraction technology is a game-changer for the broader adoption of Web3 and enables new use cases and user experiences. We are excited to share more as we continue to build on top of this feature."

Account abstraction simplifies crypto transactions by enabling the creation of Web3 wallet accounts that conceal the more technical details of their on-chain interactions behind a more accessible and user-centric interface. This is achieved by combining users' smart contracts and Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs) into a single "smart" account, providing a more unified Web3 experience.

The account abstraction-powered Smart Account simplifies some of the complexities of blockchain transactions; for example, one of the biggest painpoints that users face is the need to navigate the complex transaction process and decipher technical terms such as 'gas fees' and 'Gwei.' Smart Account addresses this painpoint by reducing the number of steps required to complete a token swap or trade to just one click.

OKX Chief Marketing Officer Haider Rafique said: "We promised our customers and the larger DeFi community that we would prioritize security and interoperability as we build our Web3 wallet and apps. We support 60+ cross-chains, Multi-Party Computation (MPC), and now with Smart Account, we offer a stablecoin account that can interact with transactions on multiple blockchains without the need for a specific blockchain's native token, with a social recovery feature coming soon. This is a game-changer, and we believe it has the ability to make transactions between chains a lot more seamless."

Additional benefits of OKX Wallet's Smart Account feature include:

Gas fee-related

  • The option to pay for gas on any of the supported chains using stablecoins USDC and USDT.
  • Users can also conduct gasless transactions if third-party dApps choose to sponsor their on-chain interactions.
  • Elimination of the need for users to pay gas fees with each individual chain's native token.

Simplified token swaps and staking

  • Smart Account combines multiple stages of the swap and staking process into a single step.
  • Users can exchange tokens and earn interest by staking crypto with just one click.

OKX Wallet currently supports account abstraction technology on seven blockchains: Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, BNB Chain, Avalanche and OKT Chain. It is also the first Web3 wallet to utilize multi-party computation (MPC) technology across 37 blockchains, eliminating the need for traditional written down keys and seed phrases by splitting a user's private key into three parts, greatly improving security and eliminating a single point of failure.

DISCLAIMER This announcement is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide any investment, tax, or legal advice, nor should it be considered an offer to purchase, sell, or hold digital assets. Digital assets, including stablecoins, involve a high degree of risk, can fluctuate greatly, and can even become worthless. You should carefully consider whether trading or holding digital assets is suitable for you in light of your financial condition. Please consult your legal/tax/investment professional for questions about your specific circumstances.

Deze inhoud is alleen bedoeld voor informatieve doeleinden en kan betrekking hebben op producten die niet beschikbaar zijn in jouw regio. Het is niet bedoeld om (i) beleggingsadvies of een beleggingsaanbeveling te geven; (ii) een aanbod of verzoek te doen om cryptovaluta/digitale activa te kopen, verkopen of aan te houden, of (iii) financieel, boekhoudkundig, juridisch of fiscaal advies te geven. Het aanhouden van cryptovaluta/digitale activa, waaronder stablecoins en NFT's, brengt een hoge mate van risico met zich mee en kan sterk fluctueren. Je moet zorgvuldig overwegen of het verhandelen of aanhouden van cryptovaluta/digitale activa geschikt is voor je in het licht van je financiële situatie. Raadpleeg je juridisch/fiscaal/beleggingsadviseur voor vragen over jouw specifieke omstandigheden. Informatie (inclusief marktgegevens en statistische informatie, indien van toepassing) in dit bericht is alleen voor algemene informatiedoeleinden. Hoewel alle redelijke zorg is besteed aan de voorbereiding van deze gegevens en grafieken, wordt er geen verantwoordelijkheid of aansprakelijkheid aanvaard voor eventuele fouten of weglatingen hierin. Zowel OKX Web3 Wallet als OKX NFT Marketplace zijn onderworpen aan afzonderlijke servicevoorwaarden op
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