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OKX Presents: Premier League and English Cup in Hong Kong, Exhibiting Historic Trophies for the First Time in the City

OKX, a leading global crypto exchange and Web3 technology company, and the Official Sleeve Partner of Manchester City Football Club, today announced that it will host an "OKX Presents: Premier League and English Cup in Hong Kong" event on September 3. At the event, the two trophies from the Club's historic treble win will be exhibited to the Hong Kong public for the first time ever at THE FOREST, located in the famous Sneaker Street neighborhood of city's Mongkok district.

Manchester City legend Paul Dickov, who played for the Club across eight seasons with over 200 appearances from 1996 to 2002 and 2006 to 2008, will also appear live on stage to share some of the best moments from his experiences on and off the field.

The trophies will be presented side-by-side on an outdoor stage in front of the main entrance of THE FOREST. Viewing will be open to the public on September 3 for the Premier League and English Cup trophies. On September 4, The Manchester City Treble Trophy Tour: Presented by OKX will bring all three trophies representing Manchester City's Treble win in 2023 to Hong Kong, also on display at THE FOREST.

From September 5-9, the trophy exhibition stage will be transformed into an interactive football experience zone and an exhibition of rare Manchester City signed shirts.

OKX Global Chief Commercial Officer Lennix Lai said: "When we became the Official Sleeve Partner of Manchester City earlier this year, we jointly committed to bringing exciting experiences to Manchester City and OKX fans around the globe. The Club's history of embracing new technologies and its global fan base makes Manchester City an ideal partner to represent our brand and we're proud to be the first company to bring the Club's trophies to Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a key market in the development of the global regulated digital asset ecosystem, and it's also a big Premier League city, and the trophies tour is a fantastic way to bring crypto and football fans together."

Manchester City’s Treble Trophy Tour, presented by OKX will visit more countries than ever before around the world. The event in Hong Kong is organized by OKX and Manchester City and supported by the Hong Kong Official Supporter Club of Manchester City.

OKX's partnership with Manchester City began in March 2022. Building on the success as the Club’s Official Training Kit Partner for the 2022/23 season, OKX was announced as Manchester City's Official Sleeve Partner for the men’s and women’s first teams in a new multi-year agreement on June 30, 2023. To date, the partnership has helped introduce the brand to millions of football fans around the world through innovative Web3 experiences like the OKX Collective, through which fans can get up-close-and-personal with their favorite Manchester City players.

Please stay tuned to the official channels of OKX and Manchester City for event details and pre-registration.

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