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Setting a New Alternative for Crypto in Australia

By Kate Cooper, CEO of OKX Australia

I'm thrilled to join OKX Australia as CEO, with the goal of setting a new alternative for crypto in Australia—one built on security, responsibility, and real innovation. Whether you're an everyday trader or an institution, you deserve a platform that doesn’t just meet expectations but exceeds them.

The future of crypto belongs to platforms that embrace regulation while continuing to drive real innovation. OKX is committed to both, and here in Australia, we’re taking that to the next level.

OKX Australia already has an incredible local team, backed by world-class expertise from our global network. That means we’re not just bringing deep market knowledge—we’re delivering the best innovations and practices from around the world to create a next-level crypto experience for Australians.

Our mission in Australia is simple: to build the most secure, transparent, and user-focused crypto platform—one that delivers real value to users, institutions, partners, and the broader Australian economy.

Australia has everything it takes to punch above its weight in crypto—top talent, strong infrastructure, and a thriving fintech ecosystem. We’ve also got a community of sharp, tech-savvy traders ready to seize new opportunities. The platforms that truly understand and serve Australian users will be the ones that win here—and we’re already making big strides.

Since July 2024, our monthly trading volumes have more than quadrupled, and our new trading bots are changing the game for Australian traders. We’re all in on Australia, and you’ll see that firsthand at this month’s F1 Grand Prix in Melbourne, where we’re proud to be an Official Primary Partner of McLaren Formula 1. With hometown hero Oscar Piastri on the track, we’ll be on the ground—connecting with our community, from retail traders to institutions, banks, and tech partners.

Our local presence ensures that we operate within Australia's regulatory framework while offering a seamless crypto trading experience. We are registered with AUSTRAC as a Digital Currency Exchange provider to offer spot trading to all users, and we also hold an Australian Financial Services (AFS) licence to be one of only two crypto-native platforms in the country licensed to offer derivatives products and services to verified wholesale clients*. With AUD deposits, withdrawals, and over 500 trading pairs—including the tokens that matter most to Australian investors—we’re uniquely positioned to serve local traders at every level.

In the past year, crypto has gone mainstream in ways that few could have imagined. Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs have been approved in Australia and around the world. Blue-chip institutions—not just trading firms—are now gaining exposure to Bitcoin. There is growing momentum toward clearer and more comprehensive regulation in Australia. We believe this is just the beginning, and we’re continuing to build a super app that will give ordinary people seamless access to digital assets —whether through our centralised platform or Web3 wallet.

I’m excited to continue shaping the future of crypto in Australia with OKX, bringing world-class innovation to our local communities. With an incredible team by my side, we’re here to build something truly game-changing for all Australians.

Kate Cooper

OKX Australia CEO

*Derivatives and margin related products and services will be provided to verified wholesale clients only by OKX Australia Financial Pty Ltd, provided that they pass a suitability assessment and meet the definition of a wholesale client as set out in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).


Information about: digital currency exchange services is prepared by OKX Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 22 636 269 040); derivatives and margin by OKX Australia Financial Pty Ltd (ABN 14 145 724 509, AFSL 379035) and is only intended for wholesale clients (within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)); and other products and services by the relevant OKX entities which offer them (see Terms of Service - Australia). Information is general in nature and should not be taken as investment advice, personal recommendation or an offer of (or solicitation to) buy any crypto or related products. Crypto trading can be high risk. You should do your own research and obtain professional advice, including to ensure you understand the risks associated with these products, before you make a decision about them. Past performance is not indicative of future performance - never risk more than you are prepared to lose. Read OKX's Terms of Service - Australia for more information.

Dit artikel/aankondiging is alleen bedoeld voor algemene informatiedoeleinden en er wordt geen verantwoordelijkheid of schuld aanvaard voor eventuele feitelijke onjuistheden of weglatingen hierin. Deze inhoud kan betrekking hebben op producten die niet beschikbaar zijn in jouw regio. Het is niet bedoeld als beleggingsadvies, belastingadvies of juridisch advies en mag niet worden beschouwd als een aanbod tot het kopen, verkopen, bezitten of het aanbieden van diensten met betrekking tot digitale bezittingen.
Digitale bezittingen, waaronder stablecoins, brengen een grote mate van risico met zich mee en kunnen sterk fluctueren. Je moet zorgvuldig overwegen of handelen of bezitten van digitale bezittingen geschikt voor je is op basis van je financiële situatie en risicotolerantie. OKX geeft geen aanbevelingen voor beleggingen of bezittingen. Je bent zelf verantwoordelijk voor je beslissingen om te beleggen en OKX is niet verantwoordelijk voor mogelijke verliezen. In het verleden behaalde resultaten bieden geen garantie voor de toekomst. Raadpleeg je juridische/fiscale/beleggingsprofessional voor vragen over je specifieke omstandigheden. OKX Web3-functies, inclusief OKX Web3-Wallet en OKX NFT-Marktplaats, zijn onderhevig aan aparte looptijdvoorwaarden op .
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