Anubis is the ancient Egyptian god of mummification, funerary practices, and the afterlife. Often depicted as a man with the head of a jackal or as a jackal itself, Anubis was believed to protect the dead and guide them through the underworld. He played a crucial role in the embalming process, overseeing the mummification of the deceased to ensure they were properly preserved for the afterlife. Anubis was also associated with the "weighing of the heart" ceremony, where the hearts of the deceased were weighed against the feather of Ma'at (the goddess of truth and justice) to determine whether the soul would be granted passage to the afterlife. Anubis is a god of protection and transition, ensuring that the deceased journeyed safely to the afterlife and that they were treated with respect in death, just as they were in life. His role in the Egyptian belief system emphasized the importance of proper burial and respect for the deceased.

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