FlyfishClubMember #261

This token represents your ownership of membership to our private dining club. As a Flyfish member, you will have access to our cocktail lounge, restaurant, outdoor space, and private events, based on a first come, first serve basis. As a member, you choose the table size you’d like for your reservation (from 2-person to 8-person tables) and are entitled to bring guests (non-token holders) to join you. All food & beverage costs are paid at your time of visit and are not included in the token price. This token is also a collectible that lives on the Ethereum blockchain. After purchasing on OpenSea, please create a member profile at []( and connect your wallet to verify ownership of your token. This is necessary for Flyfish to communicate directly with you and to enable you to make future reservations.

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nft_markets0.744 WETH($1,426.68)
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