3-day terms now available in Shark Fin
Published on 6 July 20232 min read
We're excited to announce the launch of 3-day Shark Fin products, which will go live for subscription every week starting Monday, 10 July, 12:00 UTC.
About 3-day Shark Fin terms:
- Subscription period: Every Monday, 12:00 UTC ~ Tuesday, 12:00 UTC
- Interest accrual start time: Tuesday, 08:00 UTC
- Expiration time: Friday, 08:00 UTC
- Settlement time: Friday, 08:30 UTC
How to subscribe on OKX Web or APP:
Step 1: Go to Grow > Earn > Structured Products > Shark Fin
Step 2: Select a 3-day product.
Step 3: Subscribe with at least 10 USDT.
Start earning attractive APRs on your USDT now!
06 July